Board Agile Leadership Day Conference


The conference strategy and program are put together by an independent board of experts from leading Swiss companies pioneering the agile transformation. The board selection criteria include sound knowledge and practical experience in the areas of business transformation, digitization, leadership and culture. We thereby ensure optimal information for decision-makers in Swiss companies. The Agile Leadership Day Board works closely together with the Business Agility Day Board, making sure the most relevant stories and highest quality talks are brought onto the conference stage.

Dominic Bächlin

Head LACE at Zurich Insurance

John Brookmyre

Managing Director Senior Advisor

Gion Reto Cantieni

Head Agile Working

Ralph Dudler

Head Lean Portfolio Management

Florian Hamel

Global Head Agile Transformation

Franziska Hoberg

Agile Coach

Jens Lippmann


Martin Wechsler

Group Chief Information Officer

Volker Windmüller

Head of Agile & Transformation Business Unit

Ferdinand Wohlfahrt

Head of Agile Methodology & Lean-Agile Center of Excellence (LACE)

Sebastian Ziemke

Lead Coaching & Change Team, Group Finance Mitglied der Direktion

Advisory Board

The Conference Board is complemented by the following experts:

Sven Dillmann

Director for Business Agility and Organization Design

Jérôme Grimm

Agile Advisor – Senior Manager